diple/transform/ (XSL) Transformations

[en] shared stylesheets

XML documents conforming to the shared schemas are more predictable, so that they can be transformed precisely. Diple XSL are focused on TEI for critical editions. Stylesheets are provided to be imported by a specific driver for each corpus. XSL mechanisms allow cascading behaviors, with default appearance in general, and easy tweaks for specific. Most important files are :

A typical XSL driver for a corpus could be

<!-- corpus/transform/corpus_split.xsl -->
<xsl:transform version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
  <!-- Default TEI support for one HTML file -->
  <xsl:import href="../../diple/transform/diple_html.xsl"/>
  <!-- Overrides some diple_html.xsl templates for multi-file (keep this order) -->
  <xsl:import href="../../diple/transform/diple_split.xsl"/>
  <!-- Useful parameters -->
  <xsl:param name="corpus_id">mycorpus</xsl:param>
  <!-- Specific templates for the corpus could come here -->