
Tree, automatic table of contents and other tools for clickable trees

© 2010, École nationale des chartes, licence CeCILL-C (LGPL compatible droit français)

Manage show/hide trees. No dependancies to a javascript library. The HTML structure handled is a multilevel list with nested ul in li. Relies the more as possible on CSS, and toggles between classes, especially to display groups of items (ul). li.plus means there is more items inside (ul inside are hidden). li.minus means it's possible to hide items inside. First usecase is to generate an autotoc on the header hierarchy of HTML page. All the events on such trees are also available for user written table of contents. The method Tree.load() (to use on an body.onload() event) may be used to to add events to all li.plus and li.minus.


  <h1>Title of page</h1>
  <h2 id="header_id">1) header</h2>
  <h2>2) header</h2>

  <div id="nav ">
    <-- Generated by javascript -->
    <ul class="tree">
      <li class="plus"><a href="#h_1">Title of page</a>
          <li><a href="#header_id">1) header</a></li>
          <li><a href="#h_3">2) header</a></li>
  <!-- all li.plus and li.minus will become clickable -->
  <script src="diple/js/Tree.js">//</script>
Sample CSS to take advantage
ul.tree {
  padding:0 0 0 2ex;
  font-family:Arial, sans-serif;
ul.tree ul {
  padding:0 !important;
  margin:2px 0 2px 0 !important;
ul.tree li {
  margin:2px 0 2px 0;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position:0px 1px;
  list-style-image:none !important;
ul.tree li {
  padding-left: 12px !important;
ul.tree li.plus {
ul.tree li.minus {
ul.tree li.minus ul {
ul.tree li.plus ul {
ul.tree a.here {
  padding:0 1ex;
var Tree = { /** default class name for root ul */ TREE: "tree", /** default class name for li with hidden list */ MORE: "plus", /** default class name for li with visible list */ LESS: "minus", /** default class name for clicked link */ HERE: "here", /** default id where to put the toc */ TOC: "toc", /** default id where to fin titles */ ARTICLE: "article",
/** Ititialisation of the object */
ini: function() { if (Tree.reLessmore) return; Tree.reLessmore=new RegExp(" *("+Tree.LESS+"|"+Tree.MORE+") *", "gi"); Tree.reHere=new RegExp(" *("+Tree.HERE+") *", "gi"); },
/** Autotoc on h1, h2... This recursive function is quite tricky, be careful when change a line nav : element (or identifier) where to put the toc doc : element (or identifier) where to grap hierarchical titles */
create: function(nav, article) { Tree.ini(); // en onload, FF passe l'événement if( nav && nav.stopPropagation) { nav=null; article=null; } // if nothing provide, try default if (!nav) nav=document.getElementById(Tree.TOC); if (!article) article=document.getElementById(Tree.ARTICLE); // nothing to do, go out if(!nav) return; // seems ids if (nav.nodeType != 1) nav=document.getElementById(nav); if(!nav) return; if (article && article.nodeType != 1) article=document.getElementById(article); if(!article) article=document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; // Get the list of headers <h> var hList = Tree.getElementsByTagRE(/\bH[1-9]\b/i, article); // if very few headers, go out if(hList.length < 3) return; // create the root element, and be sur to keep a hand on it if (document.createElementNS) var tree = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'div'); else var tree = document.createElement('div'); tree.className="autotoc "+Tree.TREE; // the current list to which append items var ul=tree; // current item var li; // current item var level=1; // number of level visible var level_plus=0; // loop on header for(var i=0; i < hList.length; ++i) { // the link if (document.createElementNS) var a = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'a'); else var a = document.createElement('a'); // take id of header if available var id=hList[i].id; // if not, build an automatic id if (!id) { id="h_" + i; hList[i].id=id; } a.href="#"+id; // just the text of the header (without tags) if (hList[i].textContent) { a.textContent=hList[i].textContent; } else if (hList[i].innerText) { a.innerText=hList[i].innerText; } // Now build ul/li according to the level of the title var hn=Number(hList[i].nodeName.substring(1)); // current level deeper than last one, inser a list in last item if (hn > level) { if (document.createElementNS) ul=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'ul'); else ul = document.createElement('ul'); // deeper than visible levels if (li && level > level_plus) li.className+=" " + Tree.MORE; // append list to last item if (li) li.appendChild(ul); } // current level higher than last one, catch the relevant list where to append item else if (hn < level) { for (var j=level - hn ; j> 0 ; j--) { if (ul && ul.parentNode && ul.parentNode.parentNode && ul.parentNode.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "ul") ul=ul.parentNode.parentNode; else break; } } // changer le niveau courant level=hn; // container is a div, probably root h1 if (ul.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'div') { if (document.createElementNS) li=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'header'); else li=document.createElement('header'); // append link li.appendChild(a); // append current item in the right list level ul.appendChild(li); // add children list as sibling (not child) li=ul; continue; } // create current item if (document.createElementNS) li=document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", 'li'); else li=document.createElement('li'); // add an event on all li to have a selected class effect li.onclick = function(e) {return Tree.click(this, e);} // set a class for header level li.className=li.className+" "+hList[i].nodeName.toLowerCase(); // append link li.appendChild(a); // append current item in the right list level ul.appendChild(li); } // Attach the tree nav.appendChild(tree); }, /** Last li clicked */ here:"",
/** Put some events on a tree list */
loaded:false, load: function(id, href) { Tree.ini(); // compile Regexp // page address without ?query= or #hash if (!href) href=location.protocol + "//"+location.host+location.pathname; // on FF and onload, test if root is not an event // instanceof do not work on IE if( id && id.stopPropagation) { id=null; } root=id; if (id && typeof id == 'string') root=document.getElementById(id); if (!root && document) root=document.documentElement; // case seems sometimes significant var reHereDel=new RegExp(' *'+Tree.HERE+' *'); var nodeset = root.getElementsByTagName("li"); for(var i=0; i < nodeset.length; ++i) { li=nodeset[i]; li.onclick = function(e) {return Tree.click(this, e);} // hilite current link in this item var links=li.getElementsByTagName("a"); for(var j=0; j < links.length; j++) { a=links[j]; // avoid .../n2 = .../n20 // alert(a.href.replace(/\/$/, '')+'/'+' '+href.indexOf(a.href.replace(/\/$/, '')+'/')); if ( href.indexOf(a.href.replace(/\/$/, '')+'/') !== 0 && (a.href+'/').indexOf(href+'/') !== 0 ) continue; // open parents Tree.open(li); // class on li or a ? if (a.className.indexOf(Tree.HERE) != -1) a.className=a.className.replace(reHereDel, ''); a.className += " "+Tree.HERE; // bout de branche if (li.getElementsByTagName("li").length==0) { if (li.className.indexOf(Tree.HERE) != -1) li.className=li.className.replace(reHereDel, ''); li.className += " "+Tree.HERE; } } } Tree.loaded=true; },
/** Change ClassName of a <li> onclick to open/close */
click: function (li, e) { Tree.ini(); // useful for lists with inline event onclick to have REgExp if(Tree.className != null) li=this; if (!li) return false; var ret=false; var className=""; if(li.className.indexOf(Tree.LESS) > -1) className=" "+Tree.MORE; else if(li.className.indexOf(Tree.MORE) > -1) className=" "+Tree.LESS; // if click in a link, force open var ev = e || event, src = ev.target || ev.srcElement; while (src && src.tagName.toLowerCase() != "li") { if (src.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') { className=" "+Tree.LESS; ret=true; // hilite the clicked item if (Tree.a) Tree.a.className=Tree.a.className.replace(Tree.reHere, ' '); src.className=src.className.replace(Tree.reHere, ' ') + " "+Tree.HERE; Tree.a=src; break; } src = src.parentNode; } // change class only if already less or more if (li.className.search(Tree.reLessmore)>-1) li.className=li.className.replace(Tree.reLessmore, ' ') + className; // stop propagation if (ev && document.all ) ev.cancelBubble = true; if (ev && ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation(); return ret; },
/** Recursively open li ancestors */
open: function () { var li; // don't forget or may produce some strange var collapse for (i=arguments.length - 1; i>=0; i--) { li=arguments[i]; if (li.className == null) li=document.getElementById(arguments[i]); if (!li) continue; while (li && li.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'li') { // avoid icon in front of single item if (li.className.match(Tree.reLessmore) || li.getElementsByTagName('UL').length > 0) li.className = li.className.replace(Tree.reLessmore, ' ') +" "+Tree.LESS; li=li.parentNode.parentNode; // get a possible li ancestor (jump an ul container) } } },
/** Get an array of elements matching a regular expression, essentially used to get h[1-6] @param node the node from where to search @param re a regular expression to compile @returns an array of matching nodes */
getElementsByTagRE: function(re, node) { if(!node) node=document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0]; // array of nodes to filter var nodeset = node.getElementsByTagName("*"); if(!re || re == "*") return nodeset; if(!re.test) re = new RegExp(re); re.ignoreCase = true; // array to return var select = []; for(i = 0; i < nodeset.length; ++i) if( re.test(nodeset[i].nodeName.toLowerCase()) ) select.push( nodeset[i] ); return select; }, props: function(o) { tmp=''; for (x in o) tmp += x + " " ;// ": " + o[x] + "\n"; alert (tmp); } } // if loaded as bottom script, create trees ? if(window.document.body) { // Tree.create("toc"); // Tree.load("nav"); } else { if (window.addEventListener) { if (!Tree.loaded) window.addEventListener('load', Tree.load, false); window.addEventListener('load', Tree.create, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { if (!Tree.loaded) window.attachEvent('onload', Tree.load); window.attachEvent('onload', Tree.create); } }